Turning dreamers into doers…
10 Minutes at a Time

10 Minutes a Day Club:

A Habit Coaching and Accountability Community for creatives.

Dear Artist,

I know your life is an ever-changing maze…

You are navigating inconsistent schedules and income, so practicing your skills, or working on your passion projects can be the first thing to fall by the wayside.

On top of it all, it can be hard to feel seen and valued in your artistry unless you’ve shared a finished product…

If you ever find yourself thinking…

“I keep telling myself I’m going to___, but the days keep getting away from me.”

“I wish I was better at sticking with goals and habits.”

“The things I want to work on are always the last things to get done!”

“I wish I had a stronger support system.”

“I want to share my work…I’m not ready to share it with everyone yet!”

…you’re not alone! We hear you, and we are HERE for you…

You need a judgment-free space to show up for yourself, be held accountable, and be celebrated for your efforts that often go unseen! 

10-Minutes-A-Day Club is exactly that!

Fall Session Details Coming Soon!

Be the first to know when details drop:

Get to know us…

Here’s a Little Video Tour:

Here’s what some of our members accomplished with just 10 min. a day…

Wrote an entire play. Created an app. Started & launched a business. Transitioned to becoming a full-time writer. Began a singing practice. Made new handcrafted items. Wrote chapters of a novel. Designed clothing. Began writing a musical. Changed diet & exercise routine. Built photography portfolios. Organized digital life. Improved public speaking. Improved self-talk….Felt increased overall fulfillment and satisfaction in their lives…


Wrote an entire play. Created an app. Started & launched a business. Transitioned to becoming a full-time writer. Began a singing practice. Made new handcrafted items. Wrote chapters of a novel. Designed clothing. Began writing a musical. Changed diet & exercise routine. Built photography portfolios. Organized digital life. Improved public speaking. Improved self-talk….Felt increased overall fulfillment and satisfaction in their lives… 〰️

…What might YOU do?

How It works:

Choose one practice that you will commit to spending just 10 minutes a day for the entirety of the session.

During this time, you’ll have 24/7 access to our community platform where you’ll check in each day after you do your practice.

Each week, we’ll meet on Zoom to share our progress, learn new habit-building tools, and have a show-and-tell moment!

In our first meeting, I’ll walk you through a habit-building crash course, and help you craft your personalized “show-up” strategy for sticking to your habit.

What You Get:

  • Personalized habit implementation strategy coaching

  • Group coaching and habit tools

  • 24/7 access to our online community platform

  • Weekly Zoom meetings

  • Customizable habit tracker/ progress journal

  • Access to 1-1 accountability partner (optional)

  • Plus: A built-in cheer squad, opportunities to share your work, a growing network of artists and friends, a daily feeling of accomplishment, and meaningful progress in the area of your life that matters most to you!

When Do We Start?

Summer Session Kicks off:
June 10th

Runs 8 weeks until Aug. 2nd

Zoom Meetings: Mondays 7 pm

Ready to Get Started?

Here’s What Club-Members Are Saying

  • In less than two months, I finished writing and edited a first draft! Beth cheers you on and gives you tips to help you stay “in the zone.” I felt incredibly supported the entire time!

    -Jackie Ostick

  • The highlight of my year! I've finally found the group of artists I've been looking for.

    -Maria Rodriguez-Valaides

  • 10 Minutes A Day Club has been a warm, welcoming community helping me foster inspiration and motivation to keep creating! Beth’s knowledgeable research and friendly, inspiring sessions are exactly what I need to keep going towards my goals!

    -Sarah Beling

  • As someone who has trouble setting time aside for personal projects, 10 Minutes a Day Club has been invaluable in keeping them moving forward. Weekly check-ins and specific strategies for creating and maintaining good practices have totally changed the way I approach goal setting.

    -Brittany Cattaruzza

  • The act of witnessing and cheering on other people as they build their own daily practices also helps inspire and grow my own.

    -Nathaniel Sullivan

  • If your like me & have been wanting to make some positive behavior change, but never seemed to get started, this is a wonderfuly supportive and prctical group to facilitate your goal and provide a roadmap for continued success.

    -David Miller

Have a loved one who could use the gift of self-care and daily progress? Want to add us to your own wish list? We’ve got you covered!