Putting the Habit Loop into Action Part 3: Craving

Most of our behaviors are driven by the desire to make our lives better, sometimes in the long-term, often in the short-term.

A key to getting a long-term habit to stick is to “Make It Attractive” 2nd Law of Behavior Change). Build anticipation toward an immediate reward.

Studies tell us that comparable amounts of dopamine are released in “liking” and “wanting.” So, Pavlov’s dog experienced similar pleasure levels while eating AND craving the food, and the craving is what got him to salivate.

So if the cue makes you say “Ding! Time to…” the craving makes you say “Ooh! I get to...!”

Here’s How to Create Cravings:

1) Join a Community that shares similar goals:

Our evolutionary desire to belong to a group is one of our strongest motivators. (It’s what keeps the advertising industry afloat!) We all want to be respected, trusted, and loved by those we respect, trust, and love.

Reporting that you’ve stayed true to your word and made progress will bolster your standing within the group. Doing even your most challenging habit will feel easier than risking being viewed as unreliable or untrustworthy. So your habit creates a craving for deeper belonging and bragging rights!

PRO TIP: If your community is overly competitive or not interested in your success, is this true belonging? Join a group that shares your values and cheers you on!

2) Position your desired behavior immediately before or during something you already look forward to.

If you love to read but have trouble exercising, can you read while on a stationary bike? Or if you enjoy scrolling instagram, can you silence the app until after you’ve done your writing practice? Can you do your meditation practice while your afternoon coffee is brewing?

PRO TIP: Use a “good” or “neutral” habit you already do. Not a habit you are hoping to eventually break, or a habit you’re trying to build.

Here’s how I applied it in my singing practice;

My cue is Sundown, and I love listening to podcasts while cooking dinner. So after a few repetitions of “Sundown, Sing, Podcasts, Report to my teacher at the end of the week”--> “Sundown= “Ooh! Podcasts + Bragging rights!”

How are you adding some sweet antici...pation in your habits?


Putting the Habit Loop Into Action Part 4: Behavior/Response


Putting the Habit Loop into Action Part 2: Cues