Life Lessons from Patio Garden ‘24 (Summary: Month 1)

Patio Garden ‘24 has been here for one whole month now! As always, the more I learn about how plants grow, the more I learn about how we grow. 

Here are a few learnings from month 1.
(Some of these are lessons I have to learn over and over again...) 

  • Flowers come, go, wither, wilt, and fall…but that doesn’t mean the plant itself isn’t thriving. 

  • Sometimes a plant will have a dozen flowers all at once… and sometimes it will have zero. (That’s okay). 

  • Look for (and celebrate) the buds.

  • Leave room for things to grow and space for things to surprise you. 

  • Don’t beat yourself up over something completely out of your control…like the weather…

  • Pruning: Sometimes to let something grow, you have to let something go. 

  • Weeds grow the fastest. The ‘bad’ stuff can take over your garden (or your brain) faster than the good stuff. Try to notice it early. Look for weeds and try to pluck them as early as possible. 

  • Vines will grab hold of the first thing they can reach- not the place with the most growing potential. Check-in and encourage things to grow in a direction of possibility. 

  • It’s okay to focus on your roots for a while.

  • Don’t worry about what’s blooming around you. All plants are different. 

  • …In fact, you can enjoy the beauty of another’s blossom

  • Enjoy what comes easy… some plants (like my strawberries) just came back from when I planted them years ago. I wasn’t expecting it, but it was a wonderful (and tasty) surprise. 

  • Practice Patience. 

  • Using fertilizer isn’t cheating. 

  • Growth isn’t just out and up. Sometimes we gotta chop and backtrack to encourage new growth.

I look forward to next month’s learnings! 

What’s resonating with you?
What surprised you?
What are you learning about yourself from nature?

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“Damnit, I’m Doing That Thing Again!” (The Unsung Hero of Progress).


Do what you want