Self-Help and Noodles

Self-Help and Noodles

Let's talk Self-help and noodles! I’m all about self help! (And noodles but we'll get there...) Generally, if there's an option for me to do something on my own, or ask someone else to do it, I tend to gravitate toward the DIY path. I’m sure I can find the resources and tools, learn the skills and I’ll save some money! But while I’m someone who enjoys learning new things (correction… I enjoy knowing new things… actually learning them is often tedious and frustrating), I have a tendency to lose patience, wing it, then wish I had done something differently once I’m finished. Or I never finish at all. Sometimes I don't even start! I say "I can figure out how to refurbish 4 wood chairs!... I can teach myself to play Mandolin!...I can sew my own clothes!...I can figure out how to take the next steps of my career on my own!”

But in many cases, the best thing you can do to help yourself is to ask for help from people who can give it to you! That still requires initiative that can only come from you. You’re still going to do the bulk of the work yourself. But often doing it only on your own requires split focus of learning while doing, and in my experience, you end up with a wall absolutely covered in pasta you’ve thrown.

If the joy is in the learning for you, by all means toss as many times as you want! Failing and flailing can indeed be fun sometimes! But if you have 10 people coming over for dinner, or you’d like to take the next step in your career, why not get someone who knows their noodles to take a look and make sure you're serving up something really great? Yes, getting outside help often costs money, but, doing so may end up being less expensive than all the money and time you spent cooking pasta that just isn't sticking. Getting someone else to help you stay accountable, and on-the-hook for your progress may also be less expensive than the time you spent off-the-hook.

(SIDE NOTE: Not everyone has the privilege of access to high-level help…sometimes the outside help can be as simple as texting a friend who is an accountability buddy. Gentle reminder that if you DO have access…pay the people helping you!)

As always, let us know what dishes you’re cooking up and how we can help!


Life Lessons from a Curious Beginner…Gardener.


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