Habits Vs. Practices

What’s the difference?

I use the words “habits” and “practices” A LOT.

Sometimes these words can seem interchangeable, and while they definitely have a relationship, they mean two very different things, and I use each word deliberately! So let’s dig in to why, by starting with some definitions:

Habit: A routine or practice performed regularly; An automatic response to specific situations.


Practice: A repeated exercise to acquire a skill; A habit or custom.


It bothered the crap out of me that each of these definitions used the other word in its definition...so can we clarify the key difference?


Remember in geometry you learned that every square is a parallelogram, but not every parallelogram is a square? We have a similar idea here:

All practices should be habits, but not all habits are practices.

You can have a very healthy habit of brushing your teeth everyday, but the goal is not necessarily to improve your brush technique. The goal is simply to show up at your bathroom sink and do it. You’re not really growing or facing any challenges there.

Whereas the goal with practice is continued improvement, progress, and growth.

When setting your individual goal, try using words like “grow, improve, expand.”

You work out to grow stronger; you stretch to increase your flexibility; you meditate to improve your thought patterns and become more present; you sing or practice your instrument to improve technique, expand your range, and grow your skillset…

At the 10-Min-A-Day Club, we’re all about practice! But in order for it to be a true and meaningful “practice”

We must first master the habit of showing up!

(And the 10-Min-A-Day Club is here to help you do exactly that! Learn more HERE.)


Going to the gym is the habit; Working out is the practice.

So here is our new equation:

Practice= Habit + Progress


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