On "Health" and "Productivity"

Have you ever noticed that so much of the “habit talk” out there is centered around “health” and “productivity”? (notice the quotation marks…stay tuned).

I don’t think that’s a coincidence. These are areas in which most of us want to improve. But why just these two topics when there are plenty of other important things in life that habits can help us with: connection, thought-patterns, joy, love, presence….

I think the way and the frequency of which we prioritize “health” and “productivity” when we’re creating habits is because…well…


Before you get scared, please know: I absolutely believe in the values of health and productivity!! 

I want you to have lots of energy to feel your best doing what you love, live a long pain-free life, and feel really good, and strong in your body (my personal definition of health!) 

I want you to make a positive impact on the world and have financial success in a field you’re passionate about contributing to (my personal definition of productivity!) 

Creating intentional habits and practices is a great way, if not the best way to improve in these very important areas!

Our habits should be a reflection of our values. And when we focus our habit energy on only these things, both personally and as a society we are signaling that they are the two most important things in life. 

And it’s not just the frequency, but the way they are talked about. 

Anyone else feel like “Productivity” is often code for Getting ‘successful’ by societal standards (rich)?

And “Health” is often code for Getting “attractive/hot” by societal standards (thin and/or buff)? 

It’s because as a society, we’re constantly led to believe that once we’ve achieved a certain social status- once we’re hot and/or rich (preferably both)- we’ll be happy! It’s like we’re meant to be constantly competing for social status, and therefore happiness.

Capitalism thrives on this because when we’re unsatisfied with our lives we both consume and produce like crazy!

I’ll go a step further and say there’s also a (binary) gender-specific haze around these capitalist values: 

For Men: Prove you’re disciplined, powerful, and #1.

For Women: *Have it all,* and look effortless doing it. 

And we’re led to believe that if we aren’t striving to climb the ladder, something is wrong with us or we’re lazy. Capitalism uses our self worth to get us to produce & consume more. 

(Okay I’m now exiting rant territory…)

My goal here is this: I want you to check in with what is most important to YOU in YOUR life when you’re creating your habits. 

Maybe you want to deepen your connection to yourself, the people you love, and the world around you.

I betcha there’s a habit or practice you can do everyday to help make this happen.

You only have so much time and energy in your life. 

Your habits, while they take some energy to get started, can really do a lot of amazing work for you!  They are a tool to make sure the most important things in your heart and mind show up tangibly in your life.  

Become healthy, but don’t confuse health with hotness/buffness/thinness.

Become productive, but don’t confuse productivity with striving for wealth.

And become any millions other things that add value to your life.

It’s a question of what’s most important to YOU?

Ask yourself:

-What do I really mean when I say I want to be “healthier?”

-What do I really mean when I say I want to be “more productive?”

-What is most important to ME?

-What’s a life well lived? 

-And What are the small steps I can do each day to ensure I’m living it!?


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