Biggest Learnings from 2023

I know I’m a bit late…but I finally completed my “year transition rituals.” Part of my annual process includes a reflection on the past year’s wins, struggles, ‘failures,’ photos, and…learnings!

Luckily, my planner (Clever Fox) offers prompts to document learnings each week/month. So I compiled some of my favorite learnings, ‘Ah-ha’ moments, and ‘connected dots’ of 2023, and greatly enjoyed that journey, so I thought I’d share them with you! 

I’m purposefully not giving much context for any of these in the hopes that one or a few may become a “dot” for YOU to connect in your own life.
But I have included links to the books, episodes, etc. that inspired the learnings where relevant. And some of these are straight-up quotes that I simply couldn’t say any better than the original author.

If you’d like context or clarity on any of these, please feel free to
drop a line! I’d love to see what sparks your interest. Perhaps they can become a future blog post…

Okay…Let’s Dive in….In no particular order….

Here are my 20 biggest learnings of 2023:

  1. It takes as long as it takes.


  2. Toddling is harder than sprinting. 

  3. There is no better/more “productive” use of my time than tending to my body. 

  4. Treat your future self as a friend, not a stranger.
    (Hidden Brain: Podcast Ep “Your Future is Now”)

  5. Wait….am I …content? Is that okay? ...yes.
    (to be clear…content, not content)

  6. Progress is learning to love the plateau.
    (Mastery by George Leonard)

  7. Treasure the mundane. 

  8. Be a gratitude slut. Give your joy and appreciation out loud and often. 

  9. You have to teach your brain to care. It forms patterns around what you do, not what you want to do.
    (Andrew Byrne’s Singing Athlete)

  10. So much of life exists in the “in-between” or in transition. Accept and embrace it with mindfulness.
    (Mastery by George Leonard and Anatomy of a Breakthrough by Adam Alter)

  11. To practice patience is to practice releasing impatience. 

  12. “The Industry” is not a personified powerful being waiting to grant or withhold things. So no… “The Industry” is not telling me to leave, nor can it. 

  13. “Lead from the bench.”
    (Wolfpack by Abby Wambach) 

  14. “Failure means you are in the game.”
    Wolfpack by Abby Wambach)

  15. Leave space for things to surprise you

  16. Have more “no goals” days. 

  17. Explore- Exploit- Repeat
    (Anatomy of a Breakthrough by Adam Alter)

  18. Explore accepting your circumstances fully without judgment.
    (A Balancing Act: podcast Ep: Alchemy of Acceptance)

  19. Honor the dark, the light, and the transitions between. It’s okay to retreat. 
    (Wintering by Katherine May)

  20. I like myself better as a performer (and am less critical of myself) when I like how I’m showing up for the people in my life.


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