Planting Season Part 2: Are You A Plant or a Gardner?

I’m no planting expert, but from what I observe, there are two(ish) ways that seeds find their way to the ground:

1. They’re planted by human hands.

2. They’re dropped/scattered by nature.

In version 1, the seeds are intentionally cultivated. 

A farmer or gardener creates proper conditions for the soil, plants them in a way that optimizes their chance for growth, tends to them daily, and measures their progress. They are cultivating that seed, paying attention to its needs, and making adjustments to keep those seeds happy and growing.

In version 2, a tree, or a plant drops the seeds. 

They are released to the world. Sometimes they don’t drop far from the plant, and sometimes they are scattered to the wind. 

→I’m picturing those dandelion-seed-puffballs that we’ll start to see soon- the ones that you blow on to make a wish…(I had no idea what these were called…so I just looked it up and learned they’re called ‘pappus’... fun fact!) 

Some of those scattered seeds find their way into the ground, and depending on the conditions, (where it lands, how much sun/rain/dirt there is...) start sprouting and growing.

You might assume I’m here to tell you, that you should be doing version 1 with the metaphorical seeds in your life…(you should be planting not scattering)…

But not necessarily… 

Plenty of things take root without the help of human hands or attention!

But I think you need to know which approach your taking at a given time …

Maybe you plant in some seasons, and scatter in others. 

Maybe you do both…plant some,  and scatter others. 

For example,
I’m considering these blog posts “dropped seeds,” I’m simply writing and putting the ideas out there. I’m putting the work in, yes, and I do have ways to roughly track where they land… but I’m mostly detaching from the outcome. I’m using it as an exercise to cultivate my voice, and if it resonates with someone and a connection gets planted, that’s wonderful.
But I know I only have so much control over where the wind takes them.
(PS…hit the share button at the end of this blog would ya?) 

On the other hand, I’m definitely planting other things more intentionally. 
I prepare and cultivate the group coaching experiences based on the needs of the individuals in the group. I observe how they’re growing, what they might need, and how I might help week to week.

I’m also methodical about cultivating my skills like singing and teaching. I am planting, watering, and shedding light on those things. I  have goals, strategies, and units of measurement. 

A slight side note about dropping/scattering…

Remember that in nature, some dropped/scattered seeds don’t sprout at all…and that’s okay! 

The tree/plant doesn’t mind! 

They don’t call themselves a failure when some seeds don’t grow. They seem perfectly fine releasing control of where each seed ends up. 

Their job is to simply drop the seeds because it’s part of their own growth cycle,
and it increases the chance of longevity as a species. 

I think the most important thing is that you do something with your seeds… something to share yourself: your ideas, your goals, your dreams etc. simply because that is part of YOUR growth. 

The good news is that because you are not actually a tree, plant, or gardener (or maybe you are)... you have the luxury of changing your strategy anytime!

So what seeds are you currently in possession of, and what might you do with them this week? 

Are you scattering or planting? Are you a plant or a gardenr?
Let me know here!


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Planting Season Part 1: Planting Seeds