I Built a “Bad” Habit on Purpose…and it Made My Life Better…

I have intentionally created a new habit that I’m in love with!

It’s one that most would probably file under a “bad habit” because it is not overtly “productive” or “healthy.” …

I’m now starting my day watching TV in bed…

(Did you know you’re, like…allowed to do that??)
..and it’s changing everything! 

The (embarrassing) backstory:

I am not a morning person and I am truly awful at waking up. I have been for as long as I can remember.

To the chagrin of anyone who has ever shared a room or apartment with me, I set my alarm at the time I want to get up but then snooze until I need to get up and that can be for anywhere between 20- 90 minutes of snoozing…(yup!)

The thing that finally gets me out of bed is either:
1. A sense of urgency: “Beth, you HAVE to be out the door X minutes!”
2. Or a sense of shame: “Beth, this is embarrassing…get UP!”

I was tired of launching into my day due to my own procrastination.  

Luckily my work schedule doesn’t require me to wake up crazy early, and I believe that it is indeed okay to be a night owl as opposed to an early bird. (See Night Owl Soapbox* below. Please don’t mistake this as a “Here’s how/why you should wake up at 6 am blog post!)

BUT, I did want to start my day earlier than I was so that I could feel more grounded and have some “me” time before officially beginning the day.

I’ve tried all kinds of tricks to stop hitting snooze to no avail. And I am a true master at falling back asleep within seconds- so no time for willpower to kick in. 

I wondered if it would be easier to wake up, if I immediately did something actually looked forward to doing. 

So here’s the new habit/routine:

  • The night before, we (my husband or I) set the coffee pot timer for a little earlier than we want to start the day, and set the alarm for the same time.  

  • In the morning, when my alarm goes off I get up to turn it off on the other side of the room (to get my feet hitting the floor), open the curtains, fix my coffee.

  • Then…and here’s the kicker…

I get back in bed, sip my coffee, and watch Seinfeld. 

Turns out getting out of bed is much easier when you know you’re allowed to get right back in it!

I just needed to find something that wouldn’t put me back to sleep, and holding/sipping hot coffee and laughing at hijinx is a great solve. 

And guess what… I’m actually starting my day earlier than when I don’t watch Seinfeld. 

And after that episode is done, I have more time for the “good” habits of my morning routine, and I don’t feel the shame that comes with snoozing.

Plus my day now starts with a little dose of joy and laughter- which are two things I want more of my day.  

The moral of the story is…
There’s nothing
immoral about starting your day “unproductively” and with joy. It might just make your days better.

I’ll risk sounding like a broken record when I say: that our lives are made up of our days, so..
If our days are better, our life is better.

It’s no surprise that “bad” habits are way easier to form than good ones, so maybe this is a way to practice your habit-building skills!

So what does it look or feel like if you start your day with something you like?  With a treat?  With something you look forward to?

It’s okay if that thing serves no purpose other than….you like it. Pass it on!

*The Night Owl Soap Box:
Just here to validate that it is okay to be a night owl, even though our culture, especially 9-5 culture, very much caters to early birds, and it’s simply not fair…! It makes night owls feel like we fail at life because we’re not up at 6 am…even though we’re probably awake and “productive” the same number of hours as early birds. So I’m here to say you can indeed be a good person and be good at habits and sleep past 8:30 am should your schedule allow… And here’s your permission to own your night-owl-ness! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the “habits sphere” who doesn’t start their morning routine with a 5 am workout…lol. You’re not alone. Night owls, unite!


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