The Sounds of Progress…

“Wow! I’m getting better, I can really see my work paying off!” 

^ This is of course what progress can sound like.

But it can also sound like…
(in no particular order)

  • I have an idea!

  • I’d like to try…

  • I’m starting. 

  • I’m doing it!

  • I didn’t do it.

  • I forgot.

  • I remembered! 

  • I feel SO clunky.

  • I’m looking for traction…

  • I’ve got some traction! 

  • I’m in the zone!

  • Ugh…that’s all I’ve got today.

  • I’m crushing it!

  • Ooh I learned something new!

  • Damn, another thing to think about?

  • This is tedious.

  • This is so hard.

  • It’s getting easier

  • It’s staying the same…

  • I feel like I’m moving backwards…?

  • I could do it yesterday, why can’t I do it today?

  • Oh, I don’t even have to think about that anymore! 

  • Damnit…wait… DAMNIT!

  • Look what I made!

  • What do you think?

  • Is this any good?

  • I’m in tweak mode.

  • I’m stuck.

  • I’m in a dip. 

  • Lol…THAT was shitty. 

  • UGH! That was shitty!

  • How can I suck less at this?

  • Wait, I like this.

  • Could be better.

  • Tweaking again.

  • DONEZO! 

  • Yay time to share! 

  • Gahh…time to share…! 

  • WOOT!

(rinse repeat)

If you’re saying any of these things, it means you’re doing something- something changed, happened, stirred, grew, or improved because of something you did thanks to the time, attention, and energy you’re putting in. 

Just because it doesn’t feel better or good yet, doesn’t mean there’s no progress.

Whatever your progress sounds like today, I wish you joy in your journey.

Let me know what your progress sounds like today! Drop a line


“No Goals Day”


“Baggy Routines”