The “What Counts Menu”

When we’re working toward a habit, practice, or goal we often have an idealized picture of what “future us” will be capable of.

Maybe we have a great day and decide “Yes I’m going to do this every day from now on! No stopping me now!”

But sometimes, life just gets in the way. A frequent stumbling block comes in the form of self-doubting questions like:

  • Did that count? 

  • All I have is 5 minutes today, is that enough?

  • Is it even worth it?

  • What’s the best use of my time in this moment?

  • I’m zonked. Am I ‘allowed’ to modify?

  • Do I still ‘deserve’ the reward I promised myself if I only did ____?

These questions are great fodder for decision fatigue which can take up precious mental and emotional energy.

Ideally, we want to reach the point of not even having to ‘decide,’ we just automatically do it. (see “The habit loop” blog post.)

But in the meantime…

A great way to reduce this decision fatigue is to… decide “what counts” beforehand with a “What Counts” Menu.

It’s just what it sounds like: a menu of things I have decided “count” toward my practice and progress.  That way my future self doesn’t have to decide in the moment if it’s “enough,” she and I have mutually agreed upon our standards ahead of time.

How to Make a “What Count’s Menu”

Step 1: Identify the skills within the skill:

What items might live under the umbrella of your practice?

Ex: Under the “Blogging” umbrella I have:
Brainstorming, Writing, Editing, Formatting, Sharing etc. 

Step 2: Categorize:

Make 3 columns…
1. “Easy Version” (for days “I don’t have time.”)

2. “Standard” Version (what I’d realistically like to be the “norm”)

3. Challenge Version (for days I’m in the zone!) 

…And plot items from the “skills within the skill” list into these 3 categories. I like to add timeframes to things that could fit in multiple columns.

It can look something like this…

This gives you a small number of pre-approved options to choose from so that you don’t have to decide: 

  1. Will I show up today?

  2. How will I show up today?

  3. Is it enough? 

It puts you in agreement with your future self and frees up your brain space for where it matters most: the practice itself! 

Tips for Your “What Counts” Menu:

Set Rules for yourself
For example: 

  • I won’t do more than 2 “easy” days in a row. 

  • I do something from this menu every weekday (weekends are optional).

  • I do this even on holidays/vacations. 

  • ‘Never skip twice.’ (This is a James Clear rule I love!)

  • If I don’t do anything on the menu in a given day, my consequence is______.

Don’t be afraid to have something really easy in your “easy” category.

You may want to have higher standards for yourself, but you need to be realistic about the circumstances of your life! And (as you’ve heard me say many times) showing up imperfectly is better than not showing up at all. Keep your momentum going by doing something each day toward your progress. If all you’ve got is 5 minutes, let the 5 minutes count! You never know where even just 5 minutes can lead you. Plus, it’s a great way to practice grace and self-compassion. We want showing up at all to feel good in these early days of our habit.

Like any good chef, you can always adjust what’s on the menu!

Check in frequently! Is it going well and you’re ready to add more challenges? Or were your “easy” tasks harder to stick with than you thought? Or maybe you’ve leveled up your practice and it’s time for new items/strategies?…

What’s on YOUR “What Count’s Menu”? Let me know here.


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